In pandas we have several possibilities to read data and several possibilities to write data.

Let's read some wind data

In the Datos folder you can find a file mast.txt with the following format:

130904 0000  2.21  2.58 113.5   999.99 999.99  99.99 9999.99 9999.99  0.11
130904 0010  1.69  2.31  99.9   999.99 999.99  99.99 9999.99 9999.99  0.35
130904 0020  1.28  1.50  96.0   999.99 999.99  99.99 9999.99 9999.99  0.08
130904 0030  1.94  2.39  99.2   999.99 999.99  99.99 9999.99 9999.99  0.26
130904 0040  2.17  2.67 108.4   999.99 999.99  99.99 9999.99 9999.99  0.23
130904 0050  2.25  2.89 105.0   999.99 999.99  99.99 9999.99 9999.99  0.35

We can read in the following manner:

In [ ]:
# First, imports
import os
import datetime as dt

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from IPython.display import display

%matplotlib inline

In [ ]:
ipath = os.path.join('Datos', 'mast.txt')
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath)

In [ ]:
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath, sep = "\s*")
# When we work with text separated by whitespaces we can use the keyword delim_whitespace:
# wind = pd.read_csv(path, delim_whitespace = True)

In [ ]:
cols = ['Date', 'time', 'wspd', 'wspd_max', 'wdir',
        'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath, sep = "\s*", names = cols)

In [ ]:
cols = ['Date', 'time', 'wspd', 'wspd_max', 'wdir',
        'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath, sep = "\s*", names = cols,
                   parse_dates = [[0, 1]])

Depending of your operative system dates can be right or not. Don't worry now about this. Later we will work on this.

In [ ]:
cols = ['Date', 'time', 'wspd', 'wspd_max', 'wdir',
        'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath, sep = "\s*", names = cols,
                   parse_dates = [[0, 1]], index_col = 0)

In [ ]:
cols = ['Date', 'time', 'wspd', 'wspd_max', 'wdir',
        'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath, sep = "\s*", names = cols,
                   parse_dates = {'timestamp': [0, 1]}, index_col = 0)

In [ ]:
# The previous code is equivalent to
cols = ['Date', 'time', 'wspd', 'wspd_max', 'wdir',
        'x1', 'x2', 'x3', 'x4', 'x5', 
wind = pd.read_csv(ipath, sep = "\s*", names = cols,
                   parse_dates = [[0, 1]], index_col = 0) = 'Timestamp'

In [ ]:
# in the previous cell code you can change 0's and 1's on 
# parse_dates and index_col with the names of the columns
# test it!!!

In [ ]:

With very few lines of code we read a text file with data separated by whitespaces, we transformed two columns to have dates and that dates are now the index (we only can have one record each time),...

¡¡Warning!! repeated indexes


Nothing prevents from having repeated indexes. Take care as it cn be a source of errors.

In [ ]:
tmp = pd.DataFrame([1,10,100, 1000], index = [1,1,2,2], columns = ['values'])

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print(tmp['values'][1], tmp['values'][2], sep = '\n')

Warning!! when you convert to dates from strings


If you let pandas to parse the dates take care and write tests as it is easy to find errors in the automagic conversion.

In [ ]:
# An example with error in dates:

index = [
    '01/01/2015 00:00',
    '02/01/2015 00:00',
    '03/01/2015 00:00',
    '04/01/2015 00:00',
    '05/01/2015 00:00',
    '06/01/2015 00:00',
    '07/01/2015 00:00',
    '08/01/2015 00:00',
    '09/01/2015 00:00',
    '10/01/2015 00:00',
    '11/01/2015 00:00',
    '12/01/2015 00:00',
    '13/01/2015 00:00',
    '14/01/2015 00:00',
    '15/01/2015 00:00'
values = np.random.randn(len(index))

tmp = pd.DataFrame(values, index = pd.to_datetime(index), columns = ['col1'])

In [ ]:
tmp.plot.line(figsize = (12, 6))

To avoid the previous error we can write our own date parser on, for instance, pd.read_csv:

In [ ]:
import datetime as dt
import io

def dateparser(date):
    date, time = date.split()
    DD, MM, YY = date.split('/')
    hh, mm = time.split(':')
    return dt.datetime(int(YY), int(MM), int(DD), int(hh), int(mm))

virtual_file = io.StringIO("""01/01/2015 00:00, 1
02/01/2015 00:00, 2
03/01/2015 00:00, 3
04/01/2015 00:00, 4
05/01/2015 00:00, 5
06/01/2015 00:00, 6
07/01/2015 00:00, 7
08/01/2015 00:00, 8
09/01/2015 00:00, 9
10/01/2015 00:00, 10
11/01/2015 00:00, 11
12/01/2015 00:00, 12
13/01/2015 00:00, 13
14/01/2015 00:00, 14
15/01/2015 00:00, 15

tmp_wrong = pd.read_csv(virtual_file, parse_dates = [0], index_col = 0, names = ['Date', 'values'])

virtual_file = io.StringIO("""01/01/2015 00:00, 1
02/01/2015 00:00, 2
03/01/2015 00:00, 3
04/01/2015 00:00, 4
05/01/2015 00:00, 5
06/01/2015 00:00, 6
07/01/2015 00:00, 7
08/01/2015 00:00, 8
09/01/2015 00:00, 9
10/01/2015 00:00, 10
11/01/2015 00:00, 11
12/01/2015 00:00, 12
13/01/2015 00:00, 13
14/01/2015 00:00, 14
15/01/2015 00:00, 15

tmp_right = pd.read_csv(virtual_file, parse_dates = True, index_col = 0, names = ['Date', 'values'],
                        date_parser = dateparser)

In [ ]:

Let's save the result in csv format

In [ ]:
opath = os.path.join('Datos', 'mast_2.csv')

... or in json format

In [ ]:
#wind.to_json(opath.replace('csv', 'json'))
wind.iloc[0:100].to_json(opath.replace('csv', 'json'))

... or to an HTML table

In [ ]:
# Si son muchos datos no os lo recomiendo, es lento
#wind.to_html(opath.replace('csv', 'html'))
wind.iloc[0:100].to_html(opath.replace('csv', 'html'))

... or to an xlsx format

Here you should have xlsxwriter, openpyxl, wlrd/xlwt,..., installed.

In [ ]:
writer = pd.ExcelWriter(opath.replace('csv', 'xlsx'))
#wind.to_excel(writer, sheet_name= "Mi hoja 1")
wind.iloc[0:100].to_excel(writer, sheet_name= "Mi hoja 1")

In [ ]:
# Now that we have files with json, html, xlsx,..., formats you can practice what we have learn opening them
# using the pd.read_* functions